Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The magic tools to a great auto discount!

People are always asking what they need to do to get that great auto discount. There are not any secret equations or magic solutions to getting a great discount.

There are several things that are taken into consideration:

1. Avoid getting tickets. Traffic tickets increase your premium by a significant amount.
2. Don't wreck. You don't want to be labeled a "High risk driver". All At Fault Accidents stain your record for at least 59 months. All Comprehensive Claims, Not At Fault Accidents, and Violations remain on your record for at least 35 months.
3. Safety devices. Having a car with air bags, anti-lock brakes, traction control and other safety features can provide discounts.
4. Excessive driving can increase your premium since it increases your risk exposure.
5. Ask about the good student discounts. You have worked hard to keep a good GPA! Show it off.
6. Shop for the best company. Sometimes staying with the same company for life doesn't mean you are getting the best rates and you could be missing out on hundreds of dollars in saving per year. You have nothing to lose with shopping around but much to gain in your pockets.
7. Good credit scores. Paying your bills on time since your credit score can offer you some discounts as well.
8. Take classes. A defensive driving class or a certified driver training class can lower your rates.
9. Enroll in electronic funds transfers to pay for your monthly bill.
10. Go Paperless! Accept documents and bills delivered through e-mail to get a discount.
This is the start of my daily blogs so please sit back and enjoy! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at anytime.

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